Tuesday, February 7, 2012

ADE 634: Assignment 4

1. I am focusing my PLN on blogs with creative ideas for teaching.   It is easy to identify who is similar in interests as you are so those are the kind of blogs I naturally enjoy reading.  I am also into social media, primarily following people on Facebook and just recently have decided to give Twitter a try.

2. As Facebook and blogs come natural to me, I will now try to focus my attention more on specific subjects or themes to stay on task on my PLN.  This would be MY baby step: narrowing down my attention to specific targets on social media sites and blog pages I already enjoy.

3. The tools I will be exploring in the following weeks will definitely be the ones we have installed in our Google Chrome browser.  I can imagine there are many out there but having these at hand gives me somewhere to start, specially since they are all VERY new to me.

4. The best time of the day for me to focus on building my PLN would be in the evenings after my work day has finally finished, after I have eaten and when I finally have a chance to sit back, relax and reflect.

5. The best advice I can give (myself) is to start slow and as the author says “take baby steps” until you (I) feel comfortable with the tool or source you are exploring.  It is also important to love what you do or else it will feel as work and perhaps a burden. So find a subject you are very interested in and go for it!

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